Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mass of St. Ann

Hey all, just wanted to share the news that the Mass of St. Ann has been released, full score and CD. I know there are a lot of great, new settings out there, so I hope you won't mind one more!

Here's a link to World Library's Website: (there are sample pages and audio clips)

God bless.



  1. This is a great mass setting. It's upbeat and very inviting for a congregation to sing. I also am grateful for you recording two different Glorias to show that you can do it with or without repeating the refrain after each verse. Thank you so much, Ed.

  2. Thanks, Anthony. I appreciate the kind words.

    1. Hi Ed
      I just wanted to know if you have any musical settings for the Presider for the Eucharistic Prelude? Thanks!

  3. Mary,

    Unfortunately, no. I have had a few requests, so that might be in the near future. Thank you for asking.


  4. Ed,

    Your Mass of St. Ann was brought to my attention by one of our choir members, a student at Berklee College of Music. My parish is St. Cecilia's in Boston where I'm an instrumentalist, composer, and occasional assisting choir director.

    I would echo Anthony's assessment of the Mass as accessible, energetic, and joyful.

    I also wanted to mention that I have composed a collection of acclamations and responses that I was going to name in recognition of one of our "pre-merger" parishes, St. Ann's. However, in recognition that your Mass was published and on the web first, I felt it best to name my collection "Mass of St. Anne" to perhaps reduce confusion and hopefully not take away from your compositions.

    God's blessings in your continuing music ministry.

    Rachel Burckardt
