Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Song Ideas for October 12th, 2014 - 28th Sunday In Ordinary Time

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Hungry by Kathryn Scott (Vineyard)

*I Am the Bread of Life by John Michael Talbot (EMI) (found in Voices As One vol. 1)

I Am Yours (Consume Me, Completely) by Trevor Thomson (WLP) (found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

Living Feast by John Angotti (WLP) (from the CD Joy Beyond Our Dreams)

*Make of Our Hands a Throne by Steve Warner (WLP) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Make Us Your Own by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Awake to the Day and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Open My Eyes by Jesse Manibusan (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Life You're Living and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche (Integrity/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Psalm 23 by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Word for Word)
Table of Plenty by Dan Schutte (OCP)

The Lord Is My Shepherd by Josh Blakesley (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Immersed)

The Lord Is My Shepherd by Aaron Thompson (WLP) (found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

Remember Your Love by Dufford/Daigle/Ducote (OCP)

We Come to You by Josh Blakesley (spiritandsong) – (from the CD Waiting)

* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

Song Ideas for October 5th 2014 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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All Creatures of Our God and King (arr. Crowder) (worshiptogether.com/EMI)

*Be God's by Danielle Rose (WLP) (from the CD Mysteries and the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Cornerstone by Morgan/Mote/Myrin/Liljero (Hillsong/worshiptogether)

*Everything by Tomlin/Reeves (worshiptogether/EMI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

For the Beauty of the Earth (Lord, We Thank You) by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Hymns and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

*God of Wonders by Byrd/Hindalong (worshiptogether/EMI)

Have No Anxiety by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD "Word for Word") - consider a more reserved, prayerful arrangement as a second communion song or mediation...perhaps just piano or acoustic guitar and vocals.

*Here I Am by Tom Booth (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Find Us Ready and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

I Am Yours (Consume Me, Completely) by Trevor Thomson (WLP) (found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

In Christ Alone by Getty/Townend (worhsiptogether/EMI)

*In You, O Lord by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD The Face of God and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

*Make Us Your Own by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Awake to the Day and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Many and One by Angrisano/Hart/Liles (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Inescapable Love)

*Live in Me by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD The Face of God and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

Now We Remain by David Haas (GIA)

*Open My Eyes by Jesse Manibusan (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Life You're Living and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Remain in Me by Angrisano/Stephan (spiritandsong) (download mp3)

Remember Your Love by Dufford/Daigle/Ducote (OCP)

Sacred Silence by Booth/Pixler (spiritandsong) – (from the CD “Unravel”)

The Vineyard of the Lord by Craig and Kristen Colson (spiritandsong) (from the CD Fill Us With Your Love)

We Exalt Your Name by Jobe/Maher (EMI)

* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Song Ideas for September 28, 2014 - 26th Sunday In Ordinary Time

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As One by Jacob and Matthew Band (WLP) (from the CD Every Day and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

**At the Name of Jesus by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Hymns and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

At the Sound by Ndolo/Seay (spiritandsong) (from the CD We are the Beggars)

Change Me by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) (from the CD Change Me)

*Come, Now Is the Time to Worship by Brian Doerkson (Vineyard/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Give Us Clean Hands by Charlie Hall (EMI)

*He Is Exalted by Twila Paris (EMI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

Hosanna by Brooke Ligertwood (EMI)

I Am Yours (Consume Me, Completely) by Trevor Thomson (WLP)

*Make Us Your Own by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Awake to the Day and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Live in Me by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD The Face of God and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

*Open My Eyes by Jesse Manibusan (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Life You're Living)

Remember Your Love by Dufford/Daigle/Ducote (OCP)

Remember Your Mercies, O Lord by Craig and Kristen Colson (spiritandsong) (from the CD Fill Us With Your Love)

**Return to God by John Angotti (WLP) (from the CD Joy Beyond Our Dreams and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

Revive Us, O God by Jesse Manibusan (spiritandsong) (from the CD Power of Peace)

Take My Life by Tomlin/Giglio (EMI)

The Name of Jesus by Flynn/Thomas (WLP) (from the CD Born Again and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

We Exalt Your Name by Jobe/Maher (EMI)

You are Good by Israel Houghton (Integrity/CCLI)

* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Short on rehearsal time? Don't spend it practicing what you already know!

How many times have you found yourself in a situation where you have 10 minutes to rehearse? Maybe some musicians arrived late, the previous Mass ran long, you had technical difficulties...whatever the case, you find that you are crunched for time.  When I find myself with this dilemma, I always think back to what my piano teacher at GSU taught me for times like these: "Don't practice what you can easily read, or what you already know."

Really consider it when you're short on time. You need to make the most out of your rehearsal.

1. Flip through the music and ignore the songs you've all played a hundred times.  Only worry about the new songs.

2. Focus on the most difficult sections of songs, not the parts that are simple.  Point out that spot in the verse where the rhythm is a little different, or where the chord change happens on an off-beat, or where the alto note is 'weird.'
Even professional musicians do this all the time.  A lot of pros are great readers, but will really appreciate a 'heads-up' for something that is a little unusual, different, or unique.  Help them out, too, when they are sitting in with you.

3. Make sure everyone knows the 'map' of the song.  How will you begin?  How will you end?  How many verses? etc.

4. Maybe you're doing a song in a new key this week?  Have everyone 'put some eyes' on those notes and chords before you play it.

5. As the director, you are hopefully already familiar with the music.  I know, for me, when we haven't gotten to run over a piece at all, I've looked at everyone in the group and said, "I'm gonna play this through one time as an intro so you can 'learn it.'"  You'd be surprised how that can prevent a lot of musical issues and trainwrecks, especially when everyone just listens and doesn't try to play or sing along right away.

6. Ask for help; assign tasks.  If there's someone in your group that is always prepared and knows their music, ask them for help in solving any last minute issues. (more music copies, cords not plugged in, extra mics and stands, replacing bad cables, etc.) Everyone will gladly pitch in when needed so you can focus on other things.

Think of it this way: do you practice the Mass parts every week? Probably not. Instead, you rely on the fact that everyone is really familiar with them; you know them; there is no real need to rehearse them. When they come up in the liturgy, everyone will be able to play them well.

The same can apply to the songs we know well. Instead, use your limited time (if, in fact, that is all you have) to ‘hit’ the spots that are troublesome or difficult. Don’t spend the precious time you have reviewing what is already familiar, or simple.

Oh yeah, then you might be able to pray your music!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Song Ideas for September 21st, 2014 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Christ Is Lord by Ben Walthers (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Make Your Home In Me)

Humble Thyself by Bob Hudson (Maranatha/CCLI) - in the past we've added another verse: "The first shall be last and the last shall be first" in place of "Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord."

*I Will Praise Your Name by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD The Face of God and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

I Will Praise Your Name Forever by Cliff Petty (WLP) (from the CD Touch Jesus and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

Lord, Let Your Mercy be Upon Us by Blakesley/Maher (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Waiting)

*Make Us Your Own by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Awake to the Day and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Open My Eyes by Jesse Manibusan (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Life You're Living)

The Lord Is Near by Tom Booth (spiritandsong.com)

The Prodigal Father by Brian Flynn (WLP) (from the CD Born Again)

Wide Open by John Kontol (WLP)

*You Know Who I Am by Booth/Maher (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD The End and the Beginning and found the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Your Love, O Lord by Powell/Lee/Avery/Anderson/Carr (CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Song Ideas for September 14th, 2014 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross

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 *At the Name of Jesus by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Hymns and found in the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

At the Sound by Ndolo/Seay (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD We are the Beggars)

*God So Loved the World by Paul Tate (WLP) (from the CD Let All Creation Sing and the found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

*Here I Am to Worship by Tim Hughes (worshiptogether.com) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)
Lead Me to the Cross by Brooke Ligertwood (worshiptogether.com)

*Lord, I Lift Your Name on High by Rick Founds (Integrity/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

Jesus Messiah by Tomlin/Carson/Cash/Reeves (worshiptogether.com)

No Greater Love by Asaad/Tomlin/Maher (worshiptogether.com)

*Once Again by Matt Redman (worshiptogether.com) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche (Integrity/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Run to the Cross by Blakesley/Hart/Kroger/Fieldes (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Your Time)

Take Up Our Cross by Stephan/Hart/Byrd (spiritandsong.com) (from the CD Amid Passing Things)

The Name of Jesus by Flynn/Thomas (WLP) (from the CD Born Again and the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

The Wonderful Cross by Tomlin/Watts/Walt/Reeves (worshiptogether.com)

We Shall Glory in the Cross by Tony Alonso (WLP) (from the CD I Shall Live)

* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts.