This past Sunday evening we celebrated the 6:00 pm mass as usual. I had chosen "Blessed One" by Aaron Thompson as a second communion song, in honor of Mother's Day and our Blessed Mother. Emily led the song beautifully, and we ended like we normally would. Then, as the rest of the musicians went to receive communion, I stayed at the piano, played a brief instrumental verse, then invited the assembly to sing. I played along for one refrain, then asked them to sing again. This time, I physically stepped away from the piano to receive communion while the assembly continued to sing on their own.
Listen here:
It's beautiful. It's a sound that is as old as music itself, yet it never gets old. The human voice...especially the singing, praying human voice.
Look for those opportunities to let your assembly sing without the drums and guitars. It's an amazing sound and, while in church, I think, an amazing worship experience.
June 2, 2013 – Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Once again, I asked my fellow composers and friends to suggest some of their own songs they felt would work well for the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.)
(Click on titles for links to their respective pages.)
Suggested use: Offertory, Communion
We Come to You by Josh Blakesley (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Waiting)
Suggested use: Communion
We Gather as the Body of Christ by John Angotti (WLP) - (from the CD We Gather in Love)
Suggested use: Entrance. Offertory
You are All I Need by Trevor Thomson (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Christ in Me Arise)
Suggested use: Second Communion
Come to the Feast by Craig and Kristen Colson (spiritandsong) - (from Spirit and Song 2)
Suggested use: Entrance, Offertory, Communion
He Lives In Us by Amelia Acosta (WLP)
Suggested use: Communion
Heavenly Bread by Aaron Thompson (WLP) - (from the CD 10,000 Angels)
Suggested use: Communion
If I Touch Him by Danielle Rose (WLP) - (from the CD I Thirst)
Suggested use: Second Communion
Suggested use: Entrance, Offertory, Communion
He Lives In Us by Amelia Acosta (WLP)
Suggested use: Communion
Heavenly Bread by Aaron Thompson (WLP) - (from the CD 10,000 Angels)
Suggested use: Communion
If I Touch Him by Danielle Rose (WLP) - (from the CD I Thirst)
Suggested use: Second Communion
In This Place by Trevor Thomson (spiritandsong) - (from the CD In This Place)
Suggested use: Entrance, Offertory
Jesus Reigns by John Angotti (WLP) - (from the CD We Gather In Love)
Jesus Reigns by John Angotti (WLP) - (from the CD We Gather In Love)
Suggested use: Offertory, Dismissal
Many and One by Steve Angrisano and Sarah Hart (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Inescapable Love)
Suggested use: Entrance, Offertory, Communion
Miracle of Grace by Curtis Stephan (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Amid Passing Things)
Suggested use: Offertory, Communion
O Salutaris Hostia/O Saving Lamb by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Captured)
Suggested use: Communion
Panis Vere by Brian Flynn (WLP) - (from the CD Beyond the Veil)
Miracle of Grace by Curtis Stephan (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Amid Passing Things)
Suggested use: Offertory, Communion
O Salutaris Hostia/O Saving Lamb by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Captured)
Suggested use: Communion
Panis Vere by Brian Flynn (WLP) - (from the CD Beyond the Veil)
Suggested use: Communion
See You In the Eucharist by Danielle Rose (WLP) - (from the CD Pursue Me)
Suggested use: Offertory, Communion
See You In the Eucharist by Danielle Rose (WLP) - (from the CD Pursue Me)
Suggested use: Offertory, Communion
So Beautiful by Jacob and Matthew Band (WLP) - (from the CD Every Day)
Suggested use: Offertory, Second Communion
Taste and See by Steve Angrisano (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Welcome Home)
Suggested use: Psalm, Communion
That We Might Live by Josh Blakesley, Sarah Hart, and Marc Byrd (spiritandsong) - (from the CD You are the Light)
Suggested us: Offertory, Communion
True Love by Amelia Acosta (WLP)
Suggested use: Offertory, Communion
We Belong to You by Trevor Thomson (spiritandsong)
Taste and See by Steve Angrisano (spiritandsong) - (from the CD Welcome Home)
Suggested use: Psalm, Communion
That We Might Live by Josh Blakesley, Sarah Hart, and Marc Byrd (spiritandsong) - (from the CD You are the Light)
Suggested us: Offertory, Communion
True Love by Amelia Acosta (WLP)
Suggested use: Offertory, Communion
Awesome clip! I love that song, fun to sing and easy for the congregation, beautiful for a mass with just a cantor and piano or with a full band and choir.