Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Song ideas for August 10, 2014 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are some song possibilities for August 10th, 2014 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

*Be Still for the Presence of the Lord by David Evans (Kingsway/worshiptogether) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

Be With Me, Lord by Tom Booth ( (from the CD Find Us Ready)

Come to Jesus by Blakesley/Hart ( (from the CD Waiting)

Come to the Water/I Will Run to You by Maher/Foley ( (mp3 download)

**Hold On (Angotti/Gambrell) (from the CD Extraordinary Love and the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

I Am Yours by Trevor Thomson (WLP)

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Hymns and the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

I Will Not Be Afraid by Bob Fitts (Integrity/EMI)

In Christ Alone by Getty/Townend (EMI/CCLI)
Lord, I Need You by Carson/Stanfill/Nockels/Maher/Reeves (EMI) (from the CD All the People Said Amen)

Oceans by Houston/Crocker/Lighthelm (Hillsong/EMI)

The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor by W. Clifford Petty (WLP) (from the CD Touch Jesus)

*The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor/Psalm 34 by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the collection Voices As One vol. 2 and the CD Forever Will I Sing)

True Love by Amelia Acosta (WLP)

We Walk by Faith by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Hymns and the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

You Never Let Go by Matt Redman (worshiptogether/EMI)
*Your Grace Is Enough by Matt Maher ( (from the CD Empty and Beautiful and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

** available as an eBundle (contains various instrumentation depending on the specific title)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Setting-the-Tone Greatest 'hits'

It was great seeing so many people at NPM last week in Saint Louis.  I had a great time meeting many of you and talking with you about our ministry.  Some of you had never heard of this blog, so, as promised, here is a list of some blog posts that seem to touch on many of the big least those that raised a lot of questions.  Feel free to comment!



A blog that discusses the important of choosing the correct tempo:
Too Fast for Comfort

A blog that discusses some effective ways to 'map out' a new song so the assembly can learn it faster:
New Song? Plan Your Approach

A blog that discusses the importance of 'silence' and 'space' in our music:
Sacred Silence...we need it!

A blog that discusses how to effectively balance instruments in order to sound inviting and hear the assembly:
Dynamics: Help the Assembly Out

A blog that discusses effective ways to present new Psalms to the assembly:
Arrangement Ideas for Psalms

A blog that discusses the sometimes 'very high' range in which some melodies are written:
Warning: OUT OF RANGE!!!!

A blog that discusses the basics of how instruments need to work/play together in the ensemble:
What Goes Together Should 'Go Together'

A blog that discusses the importance of EQ:
Thank you, EQ

A blog that discusses the importance of being an effective drummer:
Cue the drummer!
Guest blogger: Craig Colson

A blog that discusses some simple but effective arrangement ideas for some well-known songs:
A Couple of Great Songs...A Couple of Simple Ideas

A blog that discusses some songs with simple melodies that seem to always and easily invite assembly participation:
Some Simple Melodies

A blog that discusses 'vocal improvisation' and, is it really always necessary?:
To improvise or not...that is the question

A blog that discusses the importance of 'loving' our ministry:
Let's do this great work with love
Guest blogger: Tom Booth

A blog that discusses choosing music:
Balancing Act

A blog that discusses music throughout the liturgy:
Music Should Reflect the Emotion and Spirit of the Liturgy
Guest blogger: Jacob Israel Villalobos

A blog that discusses whether or not it needs to be 'cantor,' choir,' or 'all.'
Who is singing here?

A blog that discusses the importance of working WITH the sound technician:
Soundman and singer...are you on the same page?

A blog that discusses...well...using microphones effectively:
Using microphones effectively

A blog that discusses the overall volume of sound...good or bad:
Time for Some 'Sound' Decisions

A blog that discusses the importance of why we do what we do:
Faith is a choice...does 'what we sing' help people to worship and believe?
Guest blogger: John Angotti

A blog that discusses the importance of involving the assembly in our music!:
Some Assembly Required

A blog that discusses how to use published instrumental parts during liturgy:
Lotsa parts

A blog that discusses effective ways to 'end' songs:
We're groovin' what?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Song Ideas for August 3rd, 2014 - 18th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Here are some song possibilities for August 3rd, 2014 - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

*All I Need by Brewster/Chambers/Houghton (Integrity/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

All Who are Thirsty by Brown/Robertson (Vineyard/CCLI)

Come to the Water/I Will Run to You by Maher/Foley ( (mp3 download)

*Draw Me Close by Kelly Carpenter (Mercy/Vineyard/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Enough by Tomlin/Giglio (EMI/CCLI)

*He Answers All Our Needs by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD We are Faithful)

He Lives In Us by Amelia Acosta (WLP) (from the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

I Am the Bread of Life by Tom Kaczmarek (WLP) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

I Am Yours by Trevor Thomson (WLP)

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Hymns and the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)
Lord, I Need You by Carson/Stanfill/Nockels/Maher/Reeves (EMI) (from the CD All the People Said Amen)

Overflow by Matt Maher ( (from the CD Overflow)

So Beautiful by Jacob and Matthew Band (WLP) (from the CD Every Day and the collection More Voices As One vol. 2)

*The Love of God by Paul Tate (WLP) (from the CD Gathered As One and the collection Voices As One vol. 1)

True Love by Amelia Acosta (WLP)
*Your Grace Is Enough by Matt Maher ( (from the CD Empty and Beautiful and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Your Love Is Deep by Collins/Smith/Bussey (EMI/CCLI)
* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

** available as an eBundle (contains various instrumentation depending on the specific title)

Song Ideas for Sunday, July 27th, 2014 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are some song possibilities for July 27th, 2014 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

*Above All by LeBlanc/Baloche (EMI/LenSongs/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*All I Need by Brewster/Chambers/Houghton (Integrity/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Beautiful One by Tim Hughes (EMI/CCLI) (check out the recording on Trevor Thomson's CD Christ, In Me Arise)

*Better Is One Day by Matt Redman (EMI/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

Blest are They by David Haas (GIA)

*Come, Now Is the Time to Worship by Brian Doerkson (Vineyard/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Draw Me Close by Kelly Carpenter (Mercy/Vineyard/CCLI) (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

I Love You, Lord by Matt Maher ( (from the CD Welcome to Life)

Lay It Down by Maher/Brown (EMI) (from the CD Empty and Beautiful)

Lord, I Need You by Carson/Stanfill/Nockels/Maher/Reeves (EMI) (from the CD All the People Said Amen)

More Than Gold by Tom Booth (spiritandsong) (from the CD Find Us Ready)

My Reward by Paul Baloche (Integrity/CCLI) (fro the CD Offering of Worship)

The Beatitudes by Ed Bolduc (WLP) (from the CD Word for Word and the collection More Voices As One vol. 1)

*You are My All in All by Dennis Jernigan  (found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

*Your Grace Is Enough by Matt Maher ( (from the CD Empty and Beautiful and found in the collection Voices As One vol. 2)

* indicates instrumental parts available for these titles in the Voices As One series. All titles from this series have C and B-flat instrument parts. Select titles have Saxophone and Brass parts. 

** available as an eBundle (contains various instrumentation depending on the specific title)